
Recent News

Dr. Michael Hamann Receives 2014 Outstanding Service Award

May 1, 2014

Dr. Michael Hamann was selected as the recipient of the Minnesota Dental Association (MDA) 2014 Outstanding Service Award. He was honored by over 9,000 dental professionals in attendance at the MDA’s annual convention, the Star of the North Meeting at the RiverCentre in St. Paul. Read More »

Dr. Jeanni Foss Receives 2014 Humanitarian Service Award

May 1, 2014

Dr. Jeanni Foss was selected as the recipient of the Minnesota Dental Association (MDA) 2014 Humanitarian Service Award. She was honored for her dedication to her profession and community by over 9,000 dental professionals in attendance at the MDA’s annual convention, the Star of the North Meeting at the RiverCentre in St. Paul. Read More »

(locked)Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

May 1, 2014

It is interesting to observe the adoption of new technology in dentistry and orthodontics. Of particular interest is the use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) as the imaging protocol of choice for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. A concise review of the diffusion of innovation in dentistry was published by Parashos and Messer, who concluded that the adoption of technology is affected by factors that “include a complex interplay of perceived benefits and advantages, and psychosocial and behavioral factors, in decision-making.” Read More »

(locked)Lyme Disease

May 1, 2014

Lyme disease is a multisystemic inflammatory disease caused by the tickborne spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. The disease was first identified in the United States in 1975 during an outbreak around Lyme, Connecticut, of an inflammatory condition presumed to be juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The classical pattern of Lyme disease is a characteristic macular skin rash (erythema migrans) that appears within a month after the tick (Ixodes dammini) bite. Several different manifestations, including neurologic, articular, and cardiac manifestations, may follow. Learn more about dental management for the patient with Lyme disease. Read More »

(locked)Orthodontics 2014 at the U of M School of Dentistry

May 1, 2014

Northwest Dentistry recently sat down with Dr. Brent Larson, Director of the Orthodontics Division at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, to talk about the specialty as it exists today. The range of the discussion demonstrates how quickly and how significantly change has come to this area of dentistry in the classroom, in the clinic, and in the research. The interview was held May 1, 2014. Read More »

Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation Donates $150,000 to Minnesota Mission of Mercy

April 29, 2014

At the Minnesota Dental Association’s Star of the North meeting last week, the Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation made a $150,000 donation to the Minnesota Dental Foundation (MDF) to help fund Minnesota’s Mission of Mercy (MnMOM) event. This is the third year that this significant monetary contribution has been made, making Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation the Signature Sponsor of the MnMOM event. Read More »

(locked)In a Perfect World

March 1, 2014

The idea for this article began with a somewhat sarcastic observation when, watching the local news, a report on an area school system providing free laptops to its students concluded with, “Every student should have this opportunity.”

“Yeah,” said Someone, “in a perfect world.”

But sarcasm will only take you so far. Then what?

This idea stuck, and it occurred to us to follow where it might lead. We decided to ask some well-recognized names from our state’s dental community to join us in creating a wish list for the profession. We gave each of them three wishes for their particular areas of expertise, as well as for the profession as a whole, as these things always take on a life of their own. Read More »

(locked)Dental Mercury Reduction Review and Regulatory Update

March 1, 2014

Mercury emissions are decreasing in Minnesota waters thanks in part to the stewardship of the Minnesota Dental Association (MDA) in its efforts supporting the collection and recycling of dental amalgam solids. This article is a brief history of that work and that commitment dating back to 1990. Read More »

(locked)Prevention of Dental Disease Versus Surgical Treatment

March 1, 2014

The members of the Minnesota legislature have debated methods by which access to dental care and treatment of dental disease can be improved at a cost lower than that of present delivery systems. This review sheds light on some significant aspects of what the dental profession has learned over the last century that has proven significantly beneficial to the overall health of the American populace. Recommendations are made in the use of cost-effective dental public health interventions that could be used to provide better access and improved dental health at lower cost. Read More »