
Several advertising options are available, including ads in the printed journal and online. To post a digital advertisement, visit

Online Ads Journal Display Ads

Submit A Journal Print Ad

Products or services to be advertised must be related to dental practice, the activities of dental organizations, or of interest to dentists and their families. See our Media Kit for pricing and detailed guidelines for submission. If you are a member, be sure to log in to receive the MDA member rate.


The print issue of Northwest Dentistry comes out the first week of each even-numbered month. For inclusion in the next issue, your print ad must be submitted by the 7th of each odd-numbered month (after that date, it will be included in the next issue). For example, to include an ad in the November/December issue, your ad must be submitted by November 7.


Step 1 of 2 - Ad Information

  • The print issue of Northwest Dentistry comes out the first week of each even-numbered month. For inclusion in the next issue, your print ad must be submitted by the 7th of each odd-numbered month (after that date, it will be included in the next issue). For example, to include an ad in the November/December issue, your ad must be submitted by November 7. Postings submitted Monday-Friday will be visible online within 24 hours.