
Several advertising options are available, including ads in the printed journal and online. To post a digital advertisement, visit

Online Ads Journal Display Ads

Submit A Journal Print Ad

Products or services to be advertised must be related to dental practice, the activities of dental organizations, or of interest to dentists and their families. See our Media Kit for pricing and detailed guidelines for submission. If you are a member, be sure to log in to receive the MDA member rate.


Northwest Dentistry will now be published quarterly, with each issue being released during the second week of the final month of the quarter. To ensure your ad is included in the upcoming issue, it must be submitted by the 1st day of the second month of each quarter. For example, to appear in the April-May-June issue, your ad needs to be submitted by May 1. If your ad is submitted after the deadline, it will be included in the next issue.


Step 1 of 2 - Ad Information

  • Northwest Dentistry will now be published quarterly, with each issue being released during the second week of the final month of the quarter. To ensure your ad is included in the upcoming issue, it must be submitted by the 1st day of the second month of each quarter. For example, to appear in the April-May-June issue, your ad needs to be submitted by May 1. If your ad is submitted after the deadline, it will be included in the next issue.