MINNEAPOLIS, MN — The Minnesota Dental Association recently held its annual House of Delegates meeting at the Verizon Wireless Center in Mankato where new officers were elected.
The newly-elected 2015-2016 officers include: Dr. Peter Cannon, as president; Dr. Kevin Dens as president-elect; Dr. R. David Resch as first vice-president; Dr. David Andersen as second vice-president. Officers continuing their terms are Dr. Howard Taylor, speaker of the house, and Dr. Travis Schmitt, treasurer.
Dr. Cannon is in general practice in St. Paul. Dr. Dens practices at Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Baxter. Dr. Resch practices at Associated Dentists in St. Paul. Dr. Andersen practices in Park Rapids. Dr. Taylor is a general practice dentist at Advanced Dental Group in St. Anthony. Dr. Schmitt practices in Austin.
Dr. Teresa Fong (Golden Valley) was elected to fill a current expiring trustee term in the Minneapolis District. Dr. Stephen McDonnell (St. Paul), Saint Paul District, and Dr. Maureen Sorenson (Worthington), Southern District, were elected for second terms. Other trustees currently serving include: Dr. Mike Miskovich (Grand Rapids), Northeastern District; Dr. Amber Cziok (Litchfield), West Central District; Dr. John Lueth (Bemidji), Northwestern District; Dr. Matt Vaillant (Red Wing), Southeastern District; and Christine Lucachick (Minneapolis), Student District.
The Association looks forward to a successful year working with these new leaders.
The Minnesota Dental Association is the voice of dentistry in Minnesota, representing practicing dentists. It is committed to the highest standards of oral health and access to care for all Minnesotans. You can learn more at www.mndental.org.