Minnesota Dental Foundation Board of Directors Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Dental Foundation. As a board member, you’ll be part of a group of dedicated individuals who help guide the Minnesota Dental Foundation in its mission and vision of eliminating unmet oral health needs in our state.

The foundation board governs the overall execution of the organization’s mission. Principally, the Board manages organizational finances and sets long-term priorities for programs as listed on the following webpage: https://www.mndental.org/about/foundation/programs/ The members of the Board contribute varied skills needed to ensure long-term organizational stability and ensure year-to-year achievement of the organization’s mission.

The Board of Directors can have up to 20 voting members and terms are for 3 years. Board member responsibilities include attendance at regular board meetings (average 4 per year). Active involvement and participation is expected. Meetings are conducted in person but offer an opportunity to participate virtually via Zoom. Additionally, Board members may be asked to serve on a committee. Committee time commitments may vary but may average 3 additional evening meetings conducted primarily via Zoom.

The Board of Directors meets once quarterly in the evening and meetings are no longer than two hours. During the meetings, the board discusses upcoming events, volunteer needs, campaign events, etc. Board members also hold a fiduciary responsibility for the oversight of the organization consistent with the organization’s status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

If you are interested in serving a term of three years as a Director for the Minnesota Dental Foundation, please fill out and submit this form below.

MDF Board of Directors Interest Form

(For correspondence about board work.)
(Organization - Role/Title - Term of Service)
Please check all points of interest you may have to further the mission of the foundation.(Required)