The Minnesota Dental Association offers a variety of resources to assist dentists and their families with managing stress levels and maintaining healthy personal and professional lives.
Get Support Now
This service is offered free of charge to dentists and their families. The AllOne Health’s Employee Assistance Program offers a consulting and counseling service to help members with the many stressors that impact their lives and their practice. Call 1-800-632-7643.
Treatment Resources
The MDA has compiled a list of in-patient and out-patient treatment programs that have specialized care for healthcare professionals.
Dentists Concerned For Dentists (DCD)
Dentists Concerned for Dentists provides help and support for dentists suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. DCD meets monthly at the Minnesota Dental Association’s headquarters building. Call 651-275-0313.
Health Professional Services Program (HPSP)
HPSP monitors the treatment and continuing care of health professionals who may be impaired due to illness, including substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, and/or medical conditions. Call 651-643-2120 or visit the HPSP website.
Emotional Emergency Handbook
Emotional Emergency Handbook
The Diminutive Dental Digest of Difficult Discussions and Dilemmas
By: Kimberly Harms, D.D.S. & Hillary Becchetti, J.D.
Life Balance – Online Resources
AllOne Health’s online resources offer helpful tips for finding a balance between your personal and professional life.
The ADA’s Wellness Resources also offers information to help you and your staff.