House of Delegates
What is the House of Delegates?
The House of Delegates, as the legislative and governing body, is the supreme authority in the Minnesota Dental Association. As such, it speaks for the members of the Association and for the dental profession in Minnesota.
The official certified delegates of each component district society and the elective officers of this Association are the House of Delegates. The members of the House of Delegates have the duty to consider not only the wishes of their component societies and their geographical regions, but also the welfare of the Minnesota Dental Association, the dental profession as a whole, and the health of the public.
Delegates to the MDA House of Delegates determine the fate of proposals submitted by MDA committees, the MDA Board of Trustees, and MDA officers. The proposals, called “resolutions,” each cover a different topic or issue. The purpose of a resolution is to establish MDA policy, call for action by the MDA, or amend MDA Bylaws. Additional resolutions may yet be proposed by district dental societies or by individual delegates.
House of Delegates Meeting
Delegates discuss the resolutions in district caucuses in advance of the House of Delegates meeting. At the House of Delegates meeting, delegates break into small discussion groups to share insights into the resolutions. Following the discussion groups, two “reference committees” officially hear testimony about the resolutions. Delegates listen to the testimony and, if they wish, provide testimony on resolutions of interest.
Following the open reference committee hearings, the reference committee members meet privately to determine their recommendations for each resolution. Delegates will later vote on, and perhaps amend, the recommendations of the two reference committees.
The resolutions of the House set direction for the MDA. The participation of delegates from around the state is critical to charting the future work of the MDA. MDA members who are delegates to the House are empowered to make decisions about the future and the direction of the MDA; if they do their job well, dentistry in Minnesota and the MDA will have an inspired future.
The House of Delegates meets in the Twin Cities metro area in even years and rotates among the other districts in alternate years.