Calling all New Dentists (Graduated between 2006 – 2021), this Invitation is for You!
It’s time to gather and celebrate together. Come join in the fun! Connect. Eat. Gather. Learn.
We’re going to kick off some pre-Octoberfest shenanigans at Wooden Hill Brewing. We will have some brews, apps and more…Cheers with Peers!
Join us in Edina on Tuesday, September 21. Wooden Hill Brewing is located at 7421 Bush Lake Road at 5:30 p.m. Call your dental classmates and make it a date!
Tap into your professional society. We are taking over the tap room at Wooden Hill Brewing. Stop by after work for our next social gathering just for new dentists. Dyste Williams will be sponsoring the cool beverages and KaVo Kerr will spring for some savory appetizers and wood-fired pizzas. Come ease into October feeling a little bit happier! Connect with other new dentists from the Minneapolis District.