MDA Now Virtual Meeting
Tue., May. 6
12:00 p.m., Virtual
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- 06
Below is a listing by month of all upcoming Minnesota Dental Association events, including CE opportunities, district meetings, and more.
MDA Now Virtual Meeting
Tue., May. 6
12:00 p.m., Virtual
MDA Executive Committee Meeting
Tue., May. 6
6:30 p.m., Virtual
SPDDS Dentispree
Thu., May. 15
All day, 7 Vines Vineyard, 101 Highway 96 East, Dellwood MN 55110
NEDDS Business Meeting
Thu., May. 15
5:00 p.m., Timberlake Lodge, Grand Rapids
NEDDS CE Event: Augmentation and Immediate Implant Insertion
Fri., May. 16
8:00 a.m., Timberlake Lodge, Grand Rapids
Dentists Concerned for Dentists Meeting
Wed., May. 21
6:30 p.m., Hybrid (Virtual and at MDA Office)
Masters of Dentistry Golf Tournament
Fri., May. 30
All day, Braemar Golf Course, 6364 John Harris Dr, Edina, MN 55439