Careers in Dentistry
Selecting a career path is one of the most challenging decisions you will make. One of the benefits of considering a career in dental care is that you have several options – from how much education you wish to obtain to what schedule you’d like to work. The dental team typically consists of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and dental laboratory technicians. Click on any one of those listed below for lots more information, including educational programs in Minnesota.
A Rewarding Career
Why consider a career in dentistry? Ask a member of the Minnesota Dental Association and he or she will likely tell you that it is a rewarding career that offers the opportunity to serve people by improving their oral health and, often, the way they feel about their smile. Dentist Dr. John Nei said it is the “melding of the healing sciences, with a bit of artistic flair” that makes his career choice fulfilling on a day-to-day basis.
Market Demand
Another important reason to consider a career in dentistry is market demand. There is a need for all members of the dental care team in Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Dentist Workforce Reports show that a large percentage of Minnesota’s dentists are over 55 years old, which can take precedence to retirement within 10 years, creating job opportunities.
There is also a high demand for dental professionals in rural Minnesota. Here are MDH maps of Health Professional Shortage Areas.
This section of the MDA website gives you access to a wealth of information about each type of dental professional, as well as links to additional resources. For further assistance, contact the MDA office at 612-767-8400 or 800-950-3368.