Legacy Circle

Legacy Circle Donors
In 2010 a Legacy Circle giving program was established, allowing members to designate a dollar amount or a percentage of their estate to be given to the Minnesota Dental Foundation. Please contact your financial advisor for proper information.
Legacy Circle Donors
As of January 1, 2024
Dr. Bashar Bakdash
Dr. Gerald Cavanaugh
Dr. Amber Cziok
Dr. David & Donna Dvorak
Drs. Laura & Robert Eng
Miriam R. Goldberg Estate in Memory of Dr. Max Goldberg
Dr. Eric & Barbara Grutzner
Dr. Bill & Carol Hoffmann
Jeffrey N. & Kim Holmberg, DDS
Dr. Lee & Mary Jo Jess
Dr. Paul & Norene Jorgensen Estate
Dr. Franklin Jung
Dr. Edward Kishel
Dr. Clark LaChappelle
Dr. Stephen & Bonnie Litton
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Means
Dr. Patrick Morgan Estate
Drs. Mark & JoAnn Omlie
Dr. Rosalie Perpich
Dr. Katie Post
Dr. Robert Reed Estate
Dr. Freeman & Shirley Rosenblom
Dr. Daniel Shaw & Judy McKlosky
Dr. Howard & Cheryl Taylor
Dr. Matthew Vaillant
Floyd Wehrman Estate
Dr. James & Sonja Zenk
View the Minnesota Dental Foundation’s Donor Privacy Policy here.