Volunteer on an MDA Committee
The MDA Board of Trustees invite you to remain involved with the Association throughout the year by serving as a volunteer.
Below is a list of current MDA committees. A member of the MDA staff will connect with you once your submitted form has been received about potential openings you’re interested in.
- Affinity Products Committee – Reviews products and services as affinity programs, making recommendations to the Board of Trustees for additions and changes to endorsed products and services. The committee considers the value of a program to members first, with the potential of a program to earn non-dues revenue for the MDA of secondary importance.
- Barriers to Care Committee– Works to promote optimal oral health for all citizens of Minnesota, children, elderly and special need citizens alike. The committee looks to foster good oral health through supporting early childhood education, understanding barriers to care for our most vulnerable citizens and looking at the needs of rural Minnesotans.
- Board of Dentistry Task Force – Identifies and monitors issues of concern to the Minnesota Dental Association that may come from the Minnesota Board of Dentistry. The task force further works to improve dental education and, hence, oral health care, in Minnesota by gathering, monitoring, and disseminating information related to dental education and practice workforce trends, information which often originates or is required to be brought forward to the Board of Dentistry.
- Constitution, Bylaws & Ethics Committee – Exists to maintain and provide oversight and review of the MDA’s Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, this Association believes that dentists should possess not only knowledge, skill, and technical competence, but also those traits of character that foster adherence to ethical principles. As a result, the committee exists to assist members of the profession in making a commitment to high ethical standards of conduct, thereby ensuring that patients receive the benefit of a high level of ethical standard of conduct from the dental profession.
- Dental Education Committee – Addresses dental educational, workforce and practice trend needs, questions, and problems by serving as the Minnesota Dental Association’s liaison to educational institutions and Allied health related organizations.
- Environment & Safety Committee – Develops, compiles, and presents best-practices environmental solutions to MDA members, helping them to address dental environmental waste issues pertinent to their practice and their community.The committee’s safety mission furthers the role of dentistry within coordinated regional disaster response activities. Additionally, they address matters pertinent to dental office safety (including OSHA and radiation safety), and prevention of prescription drug abuse.
- Evidence-based Dentistry Task Force – Works to increase dentists’ understanding, utilization, and development of ‘evidence-based dentistry,’ in consultation with the American Dental Association and the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.
- Legislative Affairs Committee – Protects and furthers the interests of the public and the dental profession by appropriate activities in matters of legislation, regulations, and other governmental relationships.
- Membership Committee – Maximizes and preserves a membership level to support the activities of the Minnesota Dental Association and to focus on Recruitment and Retention, along with addressing wellness issues for our members. Membership recruitment and retention involves communicating benefits to members and stimulating a desire for all ethical dentists and students in the state to become members and to maintain membership in the Association.
- New Dentist Committee – The focus of the New Dentist Committee is the integration of dentists less than ten years out of dental school into organized dentistry. The committee provides the MDA Board of Trustees and Membership Committee with insight into the perspectives, trends, needs, and interests of the new dentist. It is the duty of this committee to identify the special needs of new dentists, help assist in establishing their careers, and propose practical and feasible activities, which will enable the Minnesota Dental Association to assist the new dentist in making the transition to active membership in organized dentistry.
- Peer Review Committee – Attempts to resolve differences, clarify areas of misunderstanding, educate participants, and establish or re-establish communication between patients and dentists. The Minnesota Dental Association recognizes the responsibility of the dental profession to the public for a dental health delivery system, which includes a mechanism to evaluate dental care. Peer Review is a public demonstration that the profession is concerned about the care it provides and has taken the initiative to correct problems that may arise. Differences which are not reconciled on a direct basis between a dentist and other interested parties should be presented for review.
- Resolution Review Task Force – Facilitates the business of the MDA House of Delegates by assisting resolution authors in presenting clear, understandable, factually accurate resolutions; to ensure proper grammar and sentence structure; to ensure readability of the resolution and that the background statement is consistent with the intent of the resolution; and to make no judgment regarding the merits of the resolution.