The Minnesota Dental Association is committed to working on behalf of our members to help enact key legislation, fight onerous regulations and seek clarification on existing regulations.
The most effective way to reach our advocacy goals is to cultivate relationships with legislators, regulators and other stakeholders that influence policy in Minnesota. Members can do this individually and collectively, through engaging in our efforts. This is where the true impact can be seen. Advocacy is not a one-time effort, but a day to day operation, and the results are not always immediate. However, our team brings members the ability to communicate consistently and take action on important issues. This is a widespread effort throughout Minnesota and requires the commitment of each member dentist. Never underestimate the value of your engagement and participation in order to help us reach our overarching goal, to advance the dental profession and enhance access and dental care for patients in Minnesota.
Legislative activities are coordinated by our Legislative Affairs Committee. Visit the Member Center for current regulatory information and practice management tools.